
salaries, look alikes

The median salary for Masters Research/PhD graduates in mathematics in 2005 in Australia was $63,547. Nearly five years after my PhD, I still don't make that much. I, too, must be an "unassertive person" like the kind of people who work for Ginga. Why doesn't someone just come along and offer me a better job?

I did look at myheritage.com's facial recognition site. It failed to come up with anything impressive. It kept comparing me to Christina Ricci.

Every time I look at RTM's site it feels like I'm looking in the mirror.


At Monday, August 28, 2006 11:04:00 PM, Blogger Slartibartfast said...

I think that you have a more attractive face and better hair than your apparent look-alike.

Jenny, do you agree?

At Wednesday, August 30, 2006 3:04:00 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Hi Oddur. You are Oddur, right?:)
RTM is better-looking than Richard by Korean standard.
Just kidding! hehe
Richard is attractive by Korean and Global standards.:)


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